DJ Kawanishiと何か面白いことを、と動き出してから早6年。ありがたいことに出演者を発表する前に「サウクルだから行こう」と言っていただける、良いパーティーになってきたと感じています。そう、Shimokitazawa SOUND CRUISINGは「パーティー」なんです。バンド、アイドル、DJといったパフォーマーはもちろん、人、場所、シーン、ムーブメント・・とにかく”面白い”と思ったものを一挙に複数のライブハウスで再現する。何万人ものお客さんを集めるフェスの縮小版ではなく、面白いパーティーx会場分って感覚でしょうか。
昨年は後夜祭や、代官山UNIでのアフターパーティー、スピンオフイベント「The World To Come」も開催しました。 本祭以外にも年間を通して様々な企画を発信していこきます。フェスやサーキットが盛り上がるだけではなく、普段のライブハウスやクラブにも多くの人が訪れるきっかけになればと考えていますし、全部込み込みで「サウンドクルージング」というパーティースタイルが面白いと伝えられればと思います。
“Let’s play with full of energy” is our motto for Shimokitazawa SOUND CRUISING.
And we are really proud to hold our 6th Shimokitazawa SOUND CRUISING in 2017.
We actually have a lot of exciting music festivals going on in Japan every year, but I’ve been wondering if the music culture has been tight on people's life naturally.
So I made my decision to start this festival to propose this simple game plan for people to enjoy live venues and nightclubs more casually like going to karaoke, amusement parks or Izakaya restaurants.
These 3 things are what we consider about festival from the first year...
1.This festival needs be held in some familiar district to customers
2.Price setting can't be more than 10,000yen
3.We happen things to get people really excited
We’ve been realizing that people are really enjoying both of festival and Shimokitazawa neighborhood as like one big playground every time we see a lot of our customers with party wristbands enjoying their hang at many spots like cafe, Izakaya restaurant and even at used clothing stores since the first year.
And we are sure that Shimokitazawa is a total right spot for us to connect music and people easily.
There might be a lot of artists and venues/clubs that people have never seen/been before, since many shows are happening at several venues at the same time.
But I think that might be a good chance to find their new favourite artists and hanging spots in a spare time.
Actually I’ve had exciting moments that reminded myself of my first live venue/nightclub experience many times from the past festivals and I think that is the only feeling people can get from experiencing venues and clubs.
I believe people can feel open-minded vibes like “hey, let’s party together!” from the whole music festival.
I love music, parties, live venues and nightclubs and it got me started this festival.
I’ve been learnt so many things from my experiences at live venues and nightclubs and also got a power from music.
So it’d be a big pleasure to share our playground with as many people as we could have and I hope it’s gonna be a good start to let it be part of people’s life.
Keep partying!
Shimokitazawa SOUND CRUISING 2017 Head Quarter
Shimokitazawa SOUND CRUISING 2017
DAY / open13:00 start14:00 close22:00
NIGHT / open&start23:00 close05:00
GARDEN / SHELTER / ERA / THREE / BASEMENT BAR / ReG / ReG CAFE / LIVEHOLIC / Music Bar ROCKAHOLIC / MOSAiC / 近松 / WAVER / Daisy Bar/ Laguna/FEVER / THREE / 風知空知 / mona records
BRIDGE SHIP HOUSE ( http://www.bridge17.com )
DISKGARAGE 050-5533-0888 ( 平日12:00~19:00 )